Welcome to our Blog!

We are all 5 years old and go to Ladbrooks School. We love to learn and we enjoy having fun with our class at our school.
Thank you for following our learning adventures on our blog.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

A visit from the Lincoln Fire Service

We had a great visit from the Fire Service volunteers at Lincoln to conclude our short study into how to be FIREWISE!

I will add more detail about what the children thought about the programme tomorrow! It's getting a bit late now!

Cross Country

All Weka children tried really hard in the cross country held last Thursday at Broadfields School. As usual, Broadfields had organised a neat course, including little hills and a run through the trees! IT was exciting!
All the mums and dads were very pleased to see Weka do such a great job on their run.
Well done, everyone!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Swimming at Kings Swim School

Children worked very hard during the 2 weeks we had at Kings Swim School. 
I hope you like these snippets of the children swimming. 


A funny thing happened when we were reading a book one day...

The character in the story made a little boat using a walnut shell, some plasticine and cardboard 
for a sail. We enjoyed reading the story and decided that we could make boats like that because 
we had been finding walnut shells all week near the back fence. (We have walnut trees there). 

So... after the book had finished, we all got cracking straight away! 

First we went and collected lots of walnut shells. We brought them back to class, cracked 
them in half and pushed a little stick into some dough or blu-tac that we put in the 
bottom of the shell. We attached a cardboard sail to the stick and... we had little boats!

It was a great day outside, so we wandered out to try the little boats in our 
wonderful river at the front of the school. We were so excited!

As you can see from the photos, we all had a lot of fun with our little boats. 
Some floated better than others, but we all had a good time making and sailing them in the sun.

Busy bees at the working bee...

I was amazed at the support of our school community at last term's working bee. Many families were able to pop in and give their time to assist with lots of projects to help the school look neat and bright. 

Many thanks to all those who were able to help out at the working bee. The school looks so terrific!