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We are all 5 years old and go to Ladbrooks School. We love to learn and we enjoy having fun with our class at our school.
Thank you for following our learning adventures on our blog.

Sunday 10 March 2013

When we play ROCKETS...

We sometimes play rockets in Weka.

This is how you play:

1. Sit in a circle around the edge of the mat.
2. Throw the die (dice)
3. Look at the number on the die
4. Decide which room in the rocket it will go into

(Note: The numbers have to get bigger each time from the 1 in the fire to the 6 in the pointy part of the rocket. No one knows what numbers they will throw so it is a bit of a gamble where you place your numbers. You might get most of your rooms filled up and then throw a number that doesn't fit the pattern!)

5. Write the number in a room
6. Keep throwing the die and trying to put the numbers into rooms. The number MUST be larger than the number below them, but lower than the one above. If it can't fit, you have to draw an X in a room - no score for Xs.)
7. Once all rooms are filled, count up your total rooms filled with number. The top score for our game was 4.

We played 3 games of rocket and we got a score of 4 in every game! That's hard to do! We had to have a big celebration after that!

Try the game at home. It's fun! (You can also play with 2 dice to make it more of a challenge...)

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